Arena Polo
If you had told me back in August, when we were all sweltering in the unusual heat and the polo grounds were parched, that I would be watching and taking pictures at a polo match while it was snowing, I would have said that you were mad. However on 11 December I found myself in sub-zero temperatures at David Ashby's wonderful new arena facility just a short distance from KPPC. You can find more details of Oxford Polo and how to get there by clicking here.
Arena polo is a fast and furious game, with no pause after a goal has been scored and ends changed only after each chukka. The ball used is like a minature inflatable football and can create an incredible bang when punctured. From personal experience I can also confirm that it hurts like h**l if it hits you on the side of the head. Thanks for that, Jack! Goals scored from more than 25 yards count double. 3 players per team and an umpire in an enclosed space make for a very exciting spectacle.
Watching 2 matches in these conditions was probably enough, as by then my feet were feeling just a little numb. However it was well worth the effort I'll be back again soon. The other spectators consisted almost wholly of families of participants and were sustained during the matches with hot drinks and toasted sandwiches. Well worth a visit!
Those of you who are interested in polo can see thousands of polo photographs in my galleries. Anyone who might be interested in watching this exciting sport can come along to spectate and just see why I find it so exciting.
Kirtlington Park Polo Club is set in madnificent surroundings in rural Oxfordshire and on a beautiful Summer day it is an ideal venue for a picnic. You will be made most welcome. You can find details of match dates and times here KPPC.
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